When the first computer was created in 1971, cybersecurity came into being. The first virus, the “creeper” virus, was harmless and was more of a security test, but the viruses that came after that have been rocking the online world and causing untold devastation. It is difficult to accurately predict the future of cybersecurity and this is because cyber threats are constantly evolving, but studying trends and predictions will give you a good idea of what to expect.
By looking into the future, cybersecurity experts can prepare for future threats well in advance.
In this article, we will talk about cybersecurity predictions, new threats, and new technology to combat them. Read on as we take a peek into the future.
Every year, cyber-attacks multiply in number, so a continual rise in cyber attacks is to be expected. According to a study conducted by Michel Cukier, hackers attack computers with internet access every 39 seconds on average. Hackers use “brute force” attacks where they release corrupted and automated scripts that scour computers for weaknesses to take advantage of.
With tech becoming increasingly popular, more and more individuals are developing tech skills. This means that more people will be equipped with knowledge that allows them to hack your computers if they choose to and this is a worrying thought.
The potentially great returns promised by cybercrime like ransomware are also attractive to some tech-savvy individuals looking to profit. Statistics show that since the pandemic started, ransomware attacks have increased by 148%, which is staggering. Ransomware is projected to increase even more as more and more organizations lean towards remote working.
With the passage of time, methods of warfare have evolved from the old school guns and ammo. The dawning of the age of technology has seen some countries leaning towards cyber warfare to infiltrate and overthrow enemy camps.
The cyber warfare trend was first recorded in 2010. A worm termed Stuxnet was uploaded into uranium centrifuge computers in Iran to target supervisory control and cause a system failure. More recent occurrences like the Sandworm attack in 2017 and the announcement by the United States that it is employing Cyber Command to spearhead computer network attacks against the Islamic State are an indication of the shift in warfare methods.
Smaller countries with fewer resources to spend on armies might lean more towards cyber warfare in the future. It is certain that in the future, big organizations that make easy targets for cyber warfare will have to fortify their security against attacks by adding layers to their cybersecurity.
The threat landscape has evolved but legacy tech has not evolved with it. Antivirus software manufacturers have very little motivation to keep developing antivirus software for systems and tech that are obsolete. But this does not mean that hackers cease paying attention to companies that use out-of-date legacy tech. In fact, they make very easy targets. There is a high chance that legacy systems may not be compatible with some security measures like multi-factor authentication or role-based access, and this makes them especially vulnerable to cyberattacks.
Some businesses may consider it costly to update their tech, but it is costlier and more damning to lose company data or become a victim of ransomware. Another issue with legacy tech and applications is the dependency which puts cracks in security.
Let’s explain.
Suppose you added a legacy application that was compatible with an older version of your ERP a while back and you now need to update your ERP. Then you discover that you can’t update your ERP without disrupting its compatibility with the application. For you to update your ERP and still keep using the application, you would need an updated version of the application which is also compatible with your new and updated ERP, and there lies the problem. So you decide to put off updating your ERP, leaving yourself vulnerable to new security threats.
This trend is expected to continue. Some companies refuse to upgrade their technology because of a lot of reasons which include saving money, and this will still be happening years from now. Today’s cutting-edge technology will eventually become outdated and some businesses will still shy away from an upgrade, exposing them to the new security threats of that time.
The cybersecurity threat keeps growing every year and it will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. This means that more companies will invest more in their cybersecurity, and this includes investing in talent. Even though AI will become more popular and new and updated antivirus software will be released, there is no substitute for a highly trained expert who knows how to improvise and make ‘spur of the moment’ decisions. Any company can easily spend staggering amounts on security but the security systems work better with a trained individual at the helm. The Global Information Security Workforce predicted that there will be a shortage of highly trained cybersecurity experts to fill the ever-widening gap.
This means that cybersecurity experts will be in high demand, and high demand translates to a higher cost. It will become increasingly expensive for companies to hire highly trained individuals as long-term employees. Some companies will turn to outsourcing/IT staff augmentation.
Automated tasks and AI are the future and this can be termed a good thing. But with new technology comes new security risks. As more companies lean towards Artificial Intelligence, more cyber attacks will start to target AI systems. This is potentially devastating since some weaknesses in the AI system are unknown at the time of release. Cybersecurity experts will have to develop ways to fortify AI systems and detect potential threats before they cause any problems. This will be a necessity to combat the expected rise in AI systems hacking.
AI will also come in handy as a component in fighting cybercrime. AI will be used to detect threats, deploy protective measures like blocking threats before they cause any damage.
Prepare Your Business From Future Threats
It is an impossible task to predict the exact path cybersecurity will take in the future, but it is possible to get an idea of what to expect. Ensure that your business moves with the times and stays protected from malicious threats. Protect your business from the expected rise in cyberattacks and employ the services of experts that will ensure the security of your business.